Screen and Décor, SAAG

Screen and Décor, SAAG


Screen and Décor


SAAG, Lethbridge, Canada

Curated by Rosemary Heather at the SAAG

For Screen and Décor the use of pattern and ornament (in the sense of extended motif) in contemporary art is understood as an organizing principle in a world of excessive data. Artworks in the exhibition are resonant of a contemporary visual reality characterized by complex patterning.

LaTourelle and Witthöft’s overall exhibition design for Screen and Décor uses coloured Plexiglas panels to affect the visitor’s physical experience of the exhibition space and their perception of the artworks on display. Based on a series of displacements between apprehension and experience, the exhibition design expands and enhances the show’s theme. The other artists participating in Screen and Décor present contemporary iterations of the artwork as a dynamic multiplicity, assembling patterns, fields or ‘distributed images’ into singular, autonomous forms.


Shannon Bool (Canada), Simone Gilges (Germany), Bernhard Kahrmann (Germany), Sanaz Mazinani (Canada), Kirstine Roepstorff (Denmark), Emmy Skensved (Canada)

© Witthöft & Latourelle 2024.
